2016년 4월 27일 수요일

세종시 엠브릿지(MBridge) 상가점포분양 매물시세정보, 방축천상가점포

세종시 상가분양 투자매물 정보입니다
BRT버스정류장인접, 메가박스 영화관 입점확정

세종시상가분양 매물중에서세종시 M브릿지(엠브릿지) 상가분양 정보입니다
세계적인 유명건축가 톰메인이 설계를 하였으며건축모형도도 멋지게 되어 있네요...방축천 특화상가로 세종시 M브릿지는세종시의 랜드마크 건축물이 될것 같네요
세종시 M브릿지 상가분양정보는사전청약이 이루어 지고 있으며정계약전에 좋은 호실이 빠지고 있네요...
메가박스 대형영화관과 대형서점상층부는 오피스로 형성되어 있어서좋은 MD구성으로 되어 있구요
세비스라는 세계적인부동산기업이 관리를해준다고 하니 서두르세요..
세종시 M브릿지 상가분양 문의 환영
세종시 상가분양매물은 중개수수료 없습니다
편하게 전화주세요.
세종시탑부동산 010-4735-1214
세종시 공인중개사가 전문 상담
컨설팅 해드릴겠습니다



2016년 4월 24일 일요일

Sejong City of korea, real estate agent, commercial investment

Designed by renowned architect Thom Mayne
Morphosis Thom Mayne

Thom Mayne said,
10 years later, 20 years later, those looking for a place in the future so
I want to enjoy this building also

Global real estate company Savills fourth place in the world
Leasing in progress

Rental complete pre-sale shopping mall store
Sale price (krw)320,000,000 ~ 2,300,000,000 won
Depending on the pre-sale area
It varies by Floor number

Sooner agreement possible
hurry up~~

contract amount 20%
Sooner agreement possible

Actual investment of 50%
Bank loans 50%
Bank loan interest 3%

 Pre-sale shopping mall store
Shopping mall store investment
comercial stores for sale

Sejong city real estate professional
Sejong city Commercial real estate professional

small investments can

No brokerage fee pre-sale items

 Rental complete pre-sale shopping mall store
Sale price (krw)320,000,000 ~ 2,300,000,000 won
Depending on the pre-sale area
It varies by Floor number

Sooner agreement possible
hurry up~~

contract amount 20%
Sooner agreement possible

Actual investment of 50%
Bank loans 50%
Bank loan interest 3%

Pre-sale shopping mall store
Shopping mall store investment
comercial stores for sale

Sejong city real estate professional
Sejong city Commercial real estate professional
 small investments can

No brokerage fee pre-sale items

세종시 M브릿지(엠브릿지) 상가분양
세종시 상가분양 및 투자 문의

If you would like to Sejong city investment
For more information please send us an e-mail

Tell us your investment
A good commercial investment Sejong city commercial
I will guide you

Sejong City of korea, real estate agent, commercial investment
Sejongtop real estate agent
E-mail : sch0624@naver.com

2016년 4월 1일 금요일

Sejong City of korea, real estate agent, commercial investment

commercial real estate invest in sejoncity of korea

we are real estate agent in sejong city of korea

Sejong City Investment of Commercial real estate, Pre-sale
Sejong City specialized commercial property investment

You receive a rental income
8% a year
9% a year
Of the investment amount
Investment 50%
Bank loans 50%
Bank interest 3%

contract amount 20%

Sooner agreement possible

Sejong City Investment of Commercial real estate, Pre-sale
Sejong City specialized commercial property investment

No brokerage fee pre-sale items

If you would like to Sejong city investment
For more information please send us an e-mail

Tell us your investment
A good commercial investment Sejong city commercial
I will guide you

Sejong City of korea, real estate agent, commercial investment
Sejongtop real estate agent
E-mail : sch0624@naver.com

my office location